
茄苳 Red Cedar or Autummn Maple Tree (Qiedong)

茄苳的木材耐水濕性強,可供作家具、建築、土木及水工用材,茄苳為雌雄異株,花很小,呈黃綠色。果實為暗褐色球形漿果,直徑1公分,內藏種子3~4粒;果實充分成熟時,味道甘甜可食用;果肉可釀酒。種子含油量 30~54%,可食用,也可作潤滑油。
The wood of this tree is waterproof and humidity-resistant, and thus is very good for furniture and as a building material.It is also used in civil engineering and hydro-engineering. Red Cedar trees are dioecism plants. The flowers are tiny and in yellow-green color. The fruit are round dark-brown juicy fruit – 1cm in diameter and contains three to four seeds each. The fruit are edible when mature fully; the sarcocarp can be used to make wine. The seeds contain 30% to 54% oil, which is edible, suitable for making lubricant as well.
Red Cedar trees are indigenous to Taiwan, and grow in low-elevation regions. The trees are tall and huge; the mature ones can be 1m in diameter. The tree-crown is large as well. Since the trees have strong resistance against air wind and air pollution, they are commonly used as garden plants and shade trees.