
白頭翁 Chinese Bulbul (Baitouwong)

Chinese Bulbuls (Baitouwong) have a shiny black forehead, and an eye-catching white disk-like area starting from above both eyes and extending to the back of the head. The older the birds are, the whiter the back of the head (also known as neck feathers). These bulbuls are cheery, and not afraid of humans. They are polyphagia, and prefer insects, seeds, and fruit. The males have grayer chests than the females, and the white neck feathers are rather bright. If one pays close attention toward the sounds in the woods, the bulbuls' sound is like 'Qiao-Ke-Li, Qiao-Ke-Li'.
Chinese Bulbuls like to build their nests on the Acacia confuse (Memory Tree) or the Chinese Banyan. Their average lifespan is between 10 and 15 years.