
輸配水器材展示區  Water Distribution Materials Zone

參觀自來水園區後,除了希望參觀者能了解淨水場如何生產潔淨的自來水和自來水器材發展的歷史外,並能進一步了解,大臺北地區總長約7,000公里的自來水系統輸配水管,從最大直徑3, 800毫米的輸水幹管,至最小直徑75毫米的配水管線,都是將一只只自來水器材組裝、連接,而形成綿密的自來水管網。每當用戶打開水龍頭,享用安全衛生的自來水時,都能理解自來水生產的艱辛,更加愛護水資源。
This "Water Distribution Materials Zone" is divided into five sub-zones: the Pipe Fitting Zone, Valves Zone, Fire Hydrants Zone, Straight Pipes Zone, and Fabrication Zone. The areas display the actual parts and components utilized according to different times and materials, and can be visited following a U-shaped visitors' route.
In visiting the Taipei Water Park, in addition to gaining understanding of how water purification stations produce clean drinking water and how the related equipment and facilities have been developed through the years, visitors also gain understanding of how the 7,000km-long waterworks system that provides the Taipei-Keelung Metropolitan Area (Greater Taipei Area) with clean drinking water is fabricated and joined together from the largest pipe (3,800㎜ in diameter) to the smallest 75mm, so that whenever they turn on a tap to enjoy the safe and sanitary drinking water, they can understand the hard work involved in supplying it, and start to cherish their water resources.