這座巨大的水藍色圓弧形建築物是消壓塔。本消壓塔興建於民國78年,塔身容量11,400立方公尺,地面高7公尺,地下深23公尺。民國80年開始啟用,藉由第一、二清水幹線,將直潭淨水場的清水以重力方式輸至消壓塔,再經公館加壓站供給三重加壓站,及臺北市區中華路一帶的用水。 消壓塔的主要功能為調節尖、離峰用水,並維持公館加壓站的穩定進水。如果發生輸水系統下游管線或加壓站發生水鎚撞擊意外事件(水壓突然升高)時,可經由消壓塔的溢流堰排放至新店溪。
Ascending the Guanyinshan Trail in Gongguan, visitors can see a row of four "Chemical Control Tanks," which were formerly used to store purifying chemicals used to sanitize the drinking water. These tanks were built on higher ground so that the chemicals could be injected by gravitational force into the raw water, where they absorbed/eliminated the particles causing turbidity in the water and filtered harmful sludge and bacteria, purifying the water and increasing its safety. These tanks were built in 1971, and retired in 1977 due to the relocation of the water-intake unit to the Qingtan Dam.